Marc-Antoine Martel


About Me


I am a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Montreal. I am also affiliated with the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship.

My research interests include political communication and strategy, political behavior and media effects. My Ph.D. is funded by the SSHRC and the FRQSC, and it focuses on issue competition.


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Martel, Marc-Antoine and Richard Nadeau. 2023. Couverture médiatique des enjeux électoraux au Québec de 1994 à 2018”. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 56 (1): 26–48. doi:10.1017/S0008423922000907.

Martel, Marc-Antoine and Jean-Charles Del Duchetto. 2022. “Élection 2018 : une nouvelle étape dans la pratique du marketing politique au Québec. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 55 (1): 128–49. doi:10.1017/S0008423922000099.

Book Reviews

Martel, Marc-Antoine. 2023. “Inside the Local Campaign: Constituency Elections in Canada Alex Marland et Thierry Giasson (Dir.), Vancouver : UBC Press, 2022, Pp. 360.” Canadian Journal of Political Science. doi:10.1017/S000842392300032X.


 Click [HERE] to view my CV.
